Mehmetcik Kutulamare

Mehmetcik Kutulamare Episode 5 In Urdu Subtitle

Mehmetcik kutul Amare EPISODE 05 Season 01 with Urdu subtitle by Muqadas TV This is EPISODE number 05 of Mehmetçik Kultulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Suleyman Military immediately ordered Mehmet to be found. Meanwhile, Osmancik is trying to reach Baghdad. Actually Mohammad and saeed has a fight in a matter and Saeed says to Mohammad that he will tell Commander that Mohammad is in Battalion.

Mohammad has no care about it and he says to saeed that he go to Commander and tell him that he has only one thing that is his homeland and he will never let it go. Saeed really comes to Commander and tells him about Mohammad. Cox is doing his job in the city and he is busy to make front within the city.

He is a merciless person. This Episode is translated by my lovely brother Abdul Rehman who is very talented. He also set all the subtitles timing so i have not seen this Episode yet so i really know about the story of this Episode. I have done only the end part of Episode so i just write here the end of the Episode. When i will watch the Episode i will write the story here. What do you think you’re doing, man, tell me.What are you doing heI could not do stay in Istanbul.

Click Here To Watch Mehmetcik Kutulamare Episode 5 Urdu Subtitles

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Saeed, What about your legIts Good. -Is it Good? GreatWhat are you going to do with this leg, huh?Are you going to chase the enemy with this leg’Saeed, listen to me. Oh My ALLAH’!If you do not think about yourself, you shouldat least have though 1 about our father?The heart of that mao wouldstop if he saw you now.Husrev dad understands me. -Yes, yesWhen we get to Pozanti, I’m going to send you back.Hide until then.

If you get caught, I did not see you. OK? That’s all: can do for you.Mehmet! – Shoot me!uo not look at me like that^Just shootmejIf you send me back…I cannot live anymore.Leave man!Hide here until we get there.But do not leave this place, okay?I’ll think of something at night.I have to go now, Thank you. my brother.Thank youThis piece of cloth will not workTTake this, too.What did you do, boyCommander we ve searched everywherelooked at all the wa ons.

There is no one.What about weaponryAll the ammunition was checked and finalized.There a.e no missing weapons.So where did this woman find this gun from, thenMy commander this should be considered, that…What if someone i side helps that woman? This gun is empty, emp y.Wh is it emt, then? Give an order to stop the train andwe start searchin ever where.No Do not do such a thing.

Maybe they want us to stop the tram.We will continue our journey.And you pay careful attention and letme know if there is the slightest suspicion.Put a guard on that woman.And to close that matter.As you command.we put our backs on You.Do not test us with the fire of betrayal.Don’t let our victorious dishonored.If our outbreak in Basra is successful.

it will be a matter of time before we drop Baghdad.If Baghdad falls, the reputation of theTurks in the Islamic world will be ruined.The course of the war will also change.Whoever earns this victory, history will record it.At the same time, those involved in thishistone artnershi will be enned down too.In order to be part of this partnership,what is ex ected from comrade Armen?The most excluded of the Ottoman soldiers.

And the Commander Suleyman, Suleyman Asken.History will remember you, too.How7Osmancik Battalion, is on its way to Baghdad.We can stop them with an ambush.We must end their order before they go to the front.We must finish them off so that the Baghdadwould come onto the hands of British uickl .Make sure no problem comes up along the way,and do not have am loss. I like smart uys. You ca trust me.

The Armen Comrade wilt burySule man and his Baualion in the land of CiliciaI (have one condition.Go aheadYour history books must have to writeabout the sacrifices of ‘ our Comrade Armen. If it was not he, we could not have taken Baghdad.If you stand up strongly!I ve bought this machine f:om London for you.The another gift for you.That’s great.Take a picture of every raid you take…and every Turkish soldier you kill…and I will put both, you andJhem inthe a es of our historical books.Do not worry, Cox.

I’m going to give you such photos thatthe blood of the personwill freeze after watchinthem.That s what 0 want.And do not for et…you can make people believewhatever ou want throu h news a ers.Well, how does this machine work?I wish, you also learned this from theJournalist » ou brou ht between us.I’m having fun!Just kidding.

So you came just to help them, is that soYou’re welcome, my Commander!How do you do?When you were on the waywe have received a Peasant tele ram…from the Minister of War Anwar Pasha.Is ever thin alright*Your rank has been promotedto the district overnorshi .And it was in my destiny to give this beautiful news.If our state sees us worthy of such ranks. what we have to do Is certainly to implement them./it is certainly our responsibility toomplement them.

Then let gojndhave someconversation about this.So, what is the situation?The Armenians at tukurova Universitystarted the mobilitv nrv Commander.The committees are spreadingto our Armenian citizens…that the Devlet-i Aliyye (Ottoman Empire)will be lost in this war…and just because of this they are spreadingthe ro a anda of ‘free Armenia.It is clear that it is not only on the front…but a storm will sweep the rest of the front, too.The British are inciting our.Armenian and Roman brothers…and they want to open afront inside the countr.Gentlemen, we must pay careful attention.

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