Mehmetcik Kutulamare

Mehmetcik Kutulamare Episode 6 In Urdu Subtitle

This is Episode number 6 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Here are some dialogues of this Episode. Does the Osmancik Battalion s soldier woutd sell his brother. do not sell if he dies? Never. I am aware of each step that Mehmet took in his land every single piece of meat he ate at home And even I know in which wagon he was. And you.what do you think of the Intelligence Organization? Who do you think Suleyman Askeri is 7Th will be a secret between the two of us.

Even Mehmet will not learn this, is that clear? Understood, my commanderI’m not finished ‘et. You’re going to take him to Baghdad. This will remain secret between both of us. Did you understand? Ro er that m • commander. Did you understand? Yes, m commander. Have you understood7I of it mt commander outside. Go OLtGo out! Ah Saeed, ah. Dev Is .shadowing his valor.

And there is…Mehmet .just be patient, have a parent…I’m going to stick you in the heart of the enemy. Mehmewhat did you do to me, Mehmet? Mehmet.As Salaam-U-Aleykum! (Peace Be Upon You), my SheikhsWa AleykumSaJam! (And Peace Be Upon You Too)Can I accompany you if you don t mind? your conversation touched my soul.

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I wanted to come and get to know you, and to receive ‘ our a ers. We’re not the ones who touched your heart, son. It is the way of our talking. Is it possible to talk about the truth…and do not to touch anyone heart7Your sayings are so impressive? Sir, I use to come to these lands often. I have not seen you before. Where did you come from, and where do ‘ ou o7

We come from Allah and go to HiM, a song well. what brings you to these lands constantly0 m a merchant. My name is Abdulmalik. I came from the lands of India. And 6 seek my livelihood. And you the time of war…what brought you to these lands where alt this dan er? Loss of homeland, son. When the lands of Albania went from our hands…we do not have land to call it home. I went out into the way toward Karbala…by saying Ya nasip(AII is up to fate). Plus .he bandits who took advantage of the war…they loot a new caravan in this area every day…and kill the merchants. Air d you. .do not you be afraid of being hurt? Half of the trade is to courage. You can not earn what you want without taking more risk. Well said. Whatever one is, that is what they earn. That’s true. Please forgive me. but it is clear that…soon these lands will also have no difference from Albania. This is the wish of the British, Merchant Abdulmalik. How does your tongue say this stupid idea? Merchant Abdulmelik is not wrong about his worries, Omer Bey. He is right. Our enemy is superior in numbers and stronger than us. Was not the enemy more numerous than us in the Battle of Badr?

The Battle of Badr fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE17 Ramadan 2 AH in the Islamic calendar does not forget…as there are Goliaths in every era…there will also be Salahuddin who will destroy them with a slingshot. You’re right, sir. You make my heart feel better, you are rightWe will be united…just like the idea of Tawheed(Oneness)without sa’in Sunni Shias…Turks, Arabs, Persians,…and Kurdish. As Yunus said we split, we will disappear. and If we share, we shall be satisfied. ( Looking for Q Latifah to perform Namaz’)I intend to make…tayammum (dry ablution) for the sake of Allah. Help me help meK^ipim’elHelp me1Oh my lord .who is this that captures me with her e es in the middle of the desert? Who is the beauty that I see in my dreams which resembles her moon face? Who is she that preaches tome in the midst of the night? Whos she? You make my destiny beautiful. Mehmet!Mehmet!Mehmet’s wanted to offer breakfast. I knew you would hand me over their hands. I told them about you. I told him you’re here. Have not you left you’re far in the mountains of Romah7I am not afraid of the cruelty of my enemies…but the betrayal of my friends, Saeed? Oh, come on do not think too much. I have prepared a trunk for you

The legendary story of Mehmet and his friends in the Ottoman state prepared for the First World War, the only dream is the resurrection and liberation of the state, and there is nothing more than a love of motherland in the heart. Mehmet does not hesitate to show any kind of sacrifice and effort for the homeland.

For this purpose, he participates in Osmancik Battalion, where Suleyman Military Bey is located and the most capable soldiers are selected, and shows a great struggle to go to the front. The series on the Kut’ul Amare Victory, which is the last epic that he left to the hegemony of a magnificent state, will meet the spectator with the story of Mehmet’s character centered on every moment of excitement, action and deep emotion.

In addition to this, while Mehmet will be presenting his life for the country, Zeynep will love him and his love will be a love story written in a cave.

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