Mehmetcik Kutulamare

Mehmetcik Kutulamare Episode 7 In Urdu Subtitle

Mehmetcik kutul Amare EPISODE 07 Season 01 with Urdu subtitle by Muqadas TV. This is Episode number 7 of Mehmetcik Kutulamare with Urdu Subtitles. Here are some dialogues of this Episode. BAGHDAD Episode As SalamUAleykum! (Peace Be Upon You)! Wa AleykümSalam! (And Peace Be Upon You Too)! wa AleykümSalam! (And Peace Be Upon You Too) where is my Hüsrev Sheikh?

My Sheikh has just left to the courtyard Well why did not you go with him? We went with him but he sent us back. My Sheikh Oh my Sheikh almost took our heart a part my Sheikh. We have been sitting since we arrived Omer Bey. Let’s wipe the rust from us. And what will happen to the heart that has been rusted my Sheikh? People are fascinated by the words you say.

Do you think that Shaykhism religiosity preaching and tekke (Dervsim) are like sitting eating and making mockery? Eyvallah(You’re right) Look my Sheikh your words turned like pearls again How beautiful the words you said. Well Omer Bey when does Osmancik Battalion come? With ”ALLAH”(S.W.T)‘s permission they will be here tonight. My Sheikh the dervishes are waiting for us tonight.

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Get your self ready. We will go to them InShaa”ALLAH” (BytheWillof “ALLAH”) Eyvallah (For sure). From here my Sheikh Ah Baghdad I missed you Welcome to our town Merchant Abdulmelik. They have came to welcome you. Whenever a merchant comes to our city they happily surround him to make a tip. I paid a great price for this city a few pieces of gold will not hurt my pocket.

Come on, Why did you stop? Merchant Abdulmelik is cruel to thieves only. Go on! Go on To everyone Get your share! From Abdulmalik! Come on come on! Thanksgiving They love you very much And the more they know about me the more they will love me To everyone! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (Start with the name of “ALLAH” who is Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful”). Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (Start with the name of ALLAH” who is Most Compassionate and the Most Merciful).

Sallallahu ala Mustafa” May Peace Be Upon Mustafa ” Allahhme salli ala seyyidina mohammedin Oh Allah may peace be upon our Muhammed Mustafa ve ala alihi ve sahbihi ve setlim and his family and his companions and his followers” La ilahe illallah There is no god except “ALLAH” (s.w.t) La ilahe illallah There is no god except ALLAH” (s.w.t) La ilahe illallah There is no god except “ALLAH” (s.w.t) You I love deep in through the life You I love deep in through the life.

I have a way deep in through this rituals” I have a way deep in through this rituals” Sheriat (rules of the religion) Tarikat (sufi paths) are ways to who would reach Sheriat (rules of the religion) Tarikat (sufi paths) are ways to who would reach’ Hakikat (the reality the essence) marifet (The real knowledge and skill coming realising the oneness with eveything through knowing one’s own self) being deeper in through them Hakikat (the reality the essence) marifet.

The real knowledge and skill coming realising the oneness with eveything through knowing one’s own self) being deeper in through them They said Suleyman (Soloman) knows the language of birds” They said Suleyman(Soloman) knows the language of birds’ There is a Soloman deep in through Soloman’ How are you soldiers? We’re good thanks! There is a Soloman deep in through Soloman As SalamUAleykum! (Peace Be Upon You)! Wa AleykumSalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barkatahu! (Peace mercy and blessing of Allah Be with you)!

It is clear that the skillful hands that made this Arab carpet and have made the most beautiful dreams expressed in this piece of art The skills of our women in handicrafts… are part of our culture. Women are the beautiful flowers that make the world beautiful Is not that right Habbab? The flowers of the desert shall be thorns. If you do not notice it shall hurt your spirit. Osmancik Battalion has entered the city. Beautiful.

We finally got the news we were waiting for. We have to start work now. We must have only one goal To overturn all the plans of the Osmancik Battalion. This will open the way for the leaders Who will establish the Arabunity. If you want to open the way in the desert you have to go astray. Otherwise you will be lost in the sand storm. Habbab the Champion of the deserts I can see the flames of the fire burning inside you. I would like to see the face of Suleyman after he receives this bad news.

The land of one thousand and one Nights Baghdad. I’ve missed this place so much. When we make our glorious army lift and drive the English out of our lands will our legends be spoken in our historical books what do you say Adil Bey. My commander I regret to tell you such news as soon as you arrived. What happened Commander Sufi Bey he was fallen captive by the British along with his soldiers.

When? While you’re on the road. The British who took captive Sufi Bey Go on They also occupied the Kurna. Jameel. Yes. Time is short. The enemy is approaching. Until my next order Not just sleeping but resting is forbidden for us So this situation might have disturbed the faith of our soldiers and officers and prevented them from victory. There is no lie my commander. Everyone’s souls are in desperation Never never. We will never allow such thing to be happend. There is no room in our hearts for desperation. Where is Jawed Bey? At the front line. Waiting in the defense

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